
The Energy Zones Mapping Tool currently includes the 407 Geographic Information System (GIS) data layers listed below. Over time, data layers will be added, updated, and removed. The GIS layers are compiled from a variety of sources for the purpose of screening-level analysis, and each has a limit to the scale, currency, and accuracy of the data.

Click any column header to sort on that column. Click the sign to view a short description of the data layer. Click on the metadata link in the table below to access metadata for each layer, and to learn more about the data quality and source. We make no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to the use, accuracy, or interpretation of the data accessible at this site.

Thumbnail  Title  Category  Data Source  Resource
Natural Landscape Assessment: Ecological Core (VA) Natural Landscape Assessment: Ecological Core (VA) Ecology Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation - Natural Heritage Program
Natural Landscape Block (VA) Natural Landscape Block (VA) Ecology Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation - Natural Heritage Program
Natural Services Network (NH) Natural Services Network (NH) Land Status NH Department of Transportation
Natural Vegetation (IA) Natural Vegetation (IA) Flora IA Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Bureau
Navigable Waterway Network Navigable Waterway Network Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration; et al.
Navigational Aid - Aircraft Navigational Aid - Aircraft Transportation Our
Navigational Aid - Marine Navigational Aid - Marine Transportation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
North American Carbon Dioxide Source North American Carbon Dioxide Source Environmental Hazards National Energy Technology Laboratory
North American Electricity and Environment Model (NEEM) Regions North American Electricity and Environment Model (NEEM) Regions Boundary Oak Ridge National Laboratory
North American Oil and Gas Fields North American Oil and Gas Fields Geology National Energy Technology Laboratory
North American Saline Basin North American Saline Basin Geology National Energy Technology Laboratory
Northeast Petroleum Reserve Sites Northeast Petroleum Reserve Sites Utilities Energy Information Administration
Oil and Natural Gas Fields Oil and Natural Gas Fields Geology Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level Database (HIFLD)
Onshore Oil and Natural Gas Wells Onshore Oil and Natural Gas Wells Land Status Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Operational Anaerobic Digester Operational Anaerobic Digester Environmental Hazards Environmental Protection Agency